Für die Regelung von Heizungs- und Fernheizungsanlagen werden mikroprozessorgesteuerte Regler mit einer Vielzahl von Funktionen und Leistungsmerkmalen...
Fernwärme wird im Wohnbereich, in öffentlichen Gebäuden und in der Industrie als umweltfreundlicher Energieträger vielfach genutzt.
Las válvulas acondicionadoras de vapor reducen simultáneamente la temperatura y la presión del vapor sobrecalentado. Estas válvulas de control...
SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT is well prepared to comply with all legal obligations arising from the new German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations...
We eagerly awaited ACHEMA as in-person event and the return to face-to-face meetings. Therefore, we were especially pleased to welcome so many you to...
Managers must make decisions to secure the future of the company, even unpopular ones. SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT has been headquartered in Frankfurt...
SAMSON, a valve engineering and process automation specialist, is focusing on products to improve the safety and reliability of process plants as well...
At ACHEMA 2022 from 22 to 26 August, SAMSON will present select exhibits highlighting the focus topics safety and reliability, resource-friendly...
Dr. Andreas Widl has been CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT since 1 April 2015. Dr. Widl had already been on the...
SAMSON operates wherever there is controlled flow of oils, gases, vapors or chemical substances. Control valves used to be our main core business....