Extbase Variable Dump
array(11 items)
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' (179 chars) allowEmptyStringsForOverwriteDemand => '1' (1 chars) includeSubCategories => '0' (1 chars) detailPidDetermination => 'flexform, categories, default' (29 chars) dateField => 'datetime' (8 chars) cropMaxCharacters => '150' (3 chars) orderBy => 'datetime' (8 chars) orderDirection => 'desc' (4 chars) topNewsFirst => '0' (1 chars) orderByAllowed => 'sorting,author,uid,title,teaser,author,tstamp,crdate,datetime,categories.tit
' (78 chars) facebookLocale => 'en_US' (5 chars) googlePlusLocale => 'en' (2 chars) disqusLocale => 'en' (2 chars) demandClass => '' (0 chars) useStdWrap => 'domain' (6 chars) pressinformationCategory => '8' (1 chars) newsCarousel => array(1 item) cropMaxCharacters => '136' (3 chars) card => array(1 item) cropMaxCharacters => '200' (3 chars) simpleList => array(1 item) cropMaxCharacters => '280' (3 chars) timeline => array(1 item) cropMaxCharacters => '500' (3 chars) list => array(4 items) media => array(2 items) dummyImage => 'typo3conf/ext/samson/Resources/Public/Images/news/dummy-preview-image.png' (73 chars) image => array(2 items) maxHeight => '50' (2 chars) maxWidth => '750' (3 chars) paginate => array(6 items) itemsPerPage => '10' (2 chars) insertAbove => '1' (1 chars) insertBelow => '1' (1 chars) templatePath => '' (0 chars) prevNextHeaderTags => '1' (1 chars) maximumNumberOfLinks => '3' (1 chars) rss => array(1 item) channel => array(6 items) title => 'Dummy Title' (11 chars) description => '' (0 chars) language => 'en-gb' (5 chars) copyright => 'TYPO3 News' (10 chars) generator => 'TYPO3 EXT:news' (14 chars) link => 'http://example.com' (18 chars) tiles => array(1 item) cardBgColorList => array(13 items) 10 => 'cardBgColor-red' (15 chars) 20 => 'cardBgColor-heather' (19 chars) 30 => 'cardBgColor-baliHai' (19 chars) 40 => 'cardBgColor-lightSlateGray' (26 chars) 50 => 'cardBgColor-shakespeare' (23 chars) 60 => 'cardBgColor-darkKhaki' (21 chars) 70 => 'cardBgColor-blumine' (19 chars) 80 => 'cardBgColor-tonysPink' (21 chars) 90 => 'cardBgColor-brass' (17 chars) 100 => 'cardBgColor-lightSkyBlue' (24 chars) 110 => 'cardBgColor-dustStorm' (21 chars) 120 => 'cardBgColor-hoki' (16 chars) 130 => 'cardBgColor-beige' (17 chars) detail => array(11 items) showPrevNext => '0' (1 chars) showRelatedFileIcon => '0' (1 chars) errorHandling => 'pageNotFoundHandler,404' (23 chars) checkPidOfNewsRecord => '0' (1 chars) registerProperties => 'keywords,title' (14 chars) showSocialShareButtons => '1' (1 chars) showMetaTags => '1' (1 chars) disqusShortname => '' (0 chars) pageTitleWrap => '|. SAMSON' (9 chars) shariff => array(3 items) enableBackend => '0' (1 chars) services => 'facebook,twitter,whatsapp' (25 chars) data => array(10 items) lang => 'en' (2 chars) mail-body => '' (0 chars) mail-subject => '' (0 chars) mail-url => 'mailto:' (7 chars) media-url => '' (0 chars) orientation => 'horizontal' (10 chars) referrer-track => '' (0 chars) services => '' (0 chars) theme => 'standard' (8 chars) twitter-via => '' (0 chars) media => array(2 items) image => array(3 items) maxWidth => '750' (3 chars) maxHeight => '50' (2 chars) lightbox => array(10 items) glue => '<br>' (4 chars) includeTitle => '0' (1 chars) includeDescription => '1' (1 chars) includeCopyright => '1' (1 chars) labelCopyright => '©' (2 chars) class => 'lightbox' (8 chars) enabled => '1' (1 chars) width => '' (0 chars) height => '' (0 chars) rel => 'lightbox[myImageSet]' (20 chars) video => array(2 items) width => '282' (3 chars) height => '159' (3 chars) analytics => array(1 item) social => array(3 items) facebookLike => '1' (1 chars) facebookShare => '1' (1 chars) twitter => '1' (1 chars) link => array(3 items) typesOpeningInNewWindow => '2' (1 chars) hrDate => array(4 items) day => 'j' (1 chars) month => 'n' (1 chars) year => 'Y' (1 chars) _typoScriptNodeValue => '0' (1 chars) skipControllerAndAction => '1' (1 chars) search => array(2 items) fields => 'teaser,title,bodytext' (21 chars) splitSearchWord => '0' (1 chars) opengraph => array(15 items) site_name => '' (0 chars) type => 'article' (7 chars) admins => '' (0 chars) email => '' (0 chars) phone_number => '' (0 chars) fax_number => '' (0 chars) latitude => '' (0 chars) longitude => '' (0 chars) street-address => '' (0 chars) locality => '' (0 chars) locale => '' (0 chars) region => '' (0 chars) postal-code => '' (0 chars) country-name => '' (0 chars) twitter => array(3 items) card => 'summary' (7 chars) site => '' (0 chars) creator => '' (0 chars) domain => 'www.samsongroup.com' (19 chars) dkdNewsEvents => array(4 items) googleMapsApiKey => 'AIzaSyALP4JgA65HBlHlbiBD6Dxc2TnmNGOg2sQ' (39 chars) geoJson => '' (0 chars) googleMapsStylingJson => 'EXT:samson/Resources/Public/Javascript/Leaflet/GoogleMapsStyling.json' (69 chars) detail => array(1 item) pageTitleWrap => '|. SAMSON' (9 chars) categoryConjunction => '' (0 chars) categories => '' (0 chars) archiveRestriction => '' (0 chars) timeRestriction => '' (0 chars) timeRestrictionHigh => '' (0 chars) topNewsRestriction => '' (0 chars) startingpoint => '41' (2 chars) recursive => '' (0 chars) singleNews => '' (0 chars) previewHiddenRecords => '2' (1 chars) showCurrentMonth => '1' (1 chars) showEventLimit => '0' (1 chars) showChooseCategories => '0' (1 chars) showWeekNumbers => '0' (1 chars) showNextEvents => '0' (1 chars) detailPid => '' (0 chars) listPid => '' (0 chars) backPid => '' (0 chars) limit => '' (0 chars) offset => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) hidePagination => '0' (1 chars) excludeAlreadyDisplayedNews => '0' (1 chars) disableOverrideDemand => '1' (1 chars) media => array(2 items) maxWidth => '' (0 chars) maxHeight => '' (0 chars) templateLayout => '' (0 chars)
contentObjectData => array(106 items) uid => 13197 (integer) pid => 457 (integer) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_id => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) t3ver_count => 0 (integer) t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer) t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer) t3_origuid => 13197 (integer) tstamp => 1571900970 (integer) crdate => 1571900970 (integer) cruser_id => 92 (integer) editlock => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 6784 (integer) CType => 'list' (4 chars) header => 'Agenda – Informations détaillées' (36 chars) rowDescription => '' (0 chars) bodytext => NULL image => 0 (integer) imagewidth => 0 (integer) imageorient => 0 (integer) imagecols => 2 (integer) imageborder => 0 (integer) media => 0 (integer) layout => '0' (1 chars) deleted => 0 (integer) cols => 0 (integer) records => '' (0 chars) pages => '' (0 chars) starttime => 0 (integer) endtime => 0 (integer) colPos => 0 (integer) subheader => '' (0 chars) fe_group => '' (0 chars) header_link => '' (0 chars) image_zoom => 0 (integer) header_layout => '100' (3 chars) zzz_deleted_menu_type => '0' (1 chars) list_type => 'news_pi1' (8 chars) zzz_deleted_select_key => '' (0 chars) sectionIndex => 1 (integer) linkToTop => 0 (integer) file_collections => '' (0 chars) filelink_size => 0 (integer) filelink_sorting => '' (0 chars) target => '' (0 chars) date => 0 (integer) recursive => 0 (integer) imageheight => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 3 (integer) tx_impexp_origuid => 0 (integer) pi_flexform => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <T3FlexForms> <
         data> <sheet index="sDEF"> <language index="lDEF">
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         ="vDEF"></value> </field> <field index="sett
         ings.orderDirection"> <value index="vDEF"></value>
          </field> <field index="settings.categoryConjuncti
         on"> <value index="vDEF"></value> </fiel
         d> <field index="settings.categories"> <
         value index="vDEF"></value> </field> <field
         index="settings.includeSubCategories"> <value index="vDE
         F">0</value> </field> <field index="settings
         .archiveRestriction"> <value index="vDEF"></value>
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         ield index="settings.topNewsRestriction"> <value index="
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         gs.startingpoint"> <value index="vDEF">41</value>
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          <field index="settings.singleNews"> <value index
         ="vDEF"></value> </field> <field index="sett
         ings.previewHiddenRecords"> <value index="vDEF">2</value
         > </field> <field index="settings.showCurren
         tMonth"> <value index="vDEF">1</value> <
         /field> ...
' (5029 chars) accessibility_title => '' (0 chars) accessibility_bypass => 0 (integer) accessibility_bypass_text => '' (0 chars) l18n_parent => 13197 (integer) l18n_diffsource => 'a:7:{s:6:"colPos";N;s:25:"tx_gridelements_container";N;s:23:"tx_gridelements
         _columns";N;s:16:"sys_language_uid";N;s:6:"header";s:17:"Termine - Details";
' (191 chars) selected_categories => '' (0 chars) category_field => '' (0 chars) table_caption => NULL table_delimiter => 124 (integer) table_enclosure => 0 (integer) table_header_position => 0 (integer) table_tfoot => 0 (integer) categories => 0 (integer) tx_themes_responsive => '' (0 chars) tx_themes_behaviour => '' (0 chars) tx_themes_variants => '' (0 chars) tx_themes_enforceequalcolumnheight => '' (0 chars) tx_themes_columnsettings => '' (0 chars) tx_themes_buttoncontent => 0 (integer) tx_themes_icon => '' (0 chars) bullets_type => 0 (integer) uploads_description => 0 (integer) uploads_type => 0 (integer) assets => 0 (integer) backupColPos => -2 (integer) tx_gridelements_backend_layout => '0' (1 chars) tx_gridelements_children => 0 (integer) tx_gridelements_container => 0 (integer) tx_gridelements_columns => 0 (integer) wrapper => 0 (integer) wrapper_margin_top => 0 (integer) wrapper_margin_bottom => 0 (integer) aligning => 0 (integer) tx_news_related_news => 0 (integer) translate_x => 0 (integer) translate_y => 0 (integer) header_position => '' (0 chars) frame_class => 'default' (7 chars) spaceBefore => 0 (integer) spaceAfter => 0 (integer) space_before_class => '' (0 chars) space_after_class => '' (0 chars) l10n_source => 13197 (integer) table_class => '' (0 chars) l10n_state => '{"tx_themes_buttoncontent":"parent"}' (36 chars) l10nmgr_language_restriction => 0 (integer) insert_record_language => -1 (integer) tx_yoastseo_linking_suggestions => 0 (integer) gridelements_shortcut_page_order_by => 0 (integer) _LOCALIZED_UID => 16680 (integer)
emConfiguration => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Dto\EmConfigurationprototypeobject tagPid => protected'1' (1 chars) prependAtCopy => protected'1' (1 chars) categoryRestriction => protected'' (0 chars) categoryBeGroupTceFormsRestriction => protected'0' (1 chars) contentElementRelation => protected'1' (1 chars) contentElementPreview => protected'1' (1 chars) manualSorting => protected'0' (1 chars) archiveDate => protected'date' (4 chars) dateTimeNotRequired => protected'0' (1 chars) showImporter => protected'0' (1 chars) rteForTeaser => protected'0' (1 chars) showAdministrationModule => protected'1' (1 chars) hidePageTreeForAdministrationModule => protected'0' (1 chars) storageUidImporter => protected'1' (1 chars) resourceFolderImporter => protected'/news_import' (12 chars) mediaPreview => protectedFALSE advancedMediaPreview => protectedTRUE pageData => array(113 items) uid => 457 (integer) pid => 87 (integer) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_id => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) t3ver_count => 0 (integer) t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer) t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer) t3_origuid => 0 (integer) tstamp => 1571900970 (integer) sorting => 128 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) perms_userid => 0 (integer) perms_groupid => 8 (integer) perms_user => 31 (integer) perms_group => 31 (integer) perms_everybody => 0 (integer) editlock => 0 (integer) crdate => 1571900970 (integer) cruser_id => 92 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) title => 'Agenda' (6 chars) doktype => 1 (integer) TSconfig => '' (0 chars) is_siteroot => 0 (integer) php_tree_stop => 0 (integer) tx_impexp_origuid => 0 (integer) url => '' (0 chars) starttime => 0 (integer) endtime => 0 (integer) urltype => 1 (integer) shortcut => 0 (integer) shortcut_mode => 0 (integer) no_cache => 0 (integer) fe_group => '' (0 chars) subtitle => '' (0 chars) layout => 0 (integer) zzz_deleted_url_scheme => 0 (integer) target => '' (0 chars) media => 0 (integer) lastUpdated => 0 (integer) keywords => NULL cache_timeout => 0 (integer) cache_tags => '' (0 chars) newUntil => 0 (integer) description => NULL no_search => 1 (integer) SYS_LASTCHANGED => 1710844758 (integer) abstract => NULL module => '' (0 chars) extendToSubpages => 0 (integer) author => '' (0 chars) author_email => '' (0 chars) nav_title => '' (0 chars) nav_hide => 1 (integer) content_from_pid => 0 (integer) mount_pid => 0 (integer) mount_pid_ol => 0 (integer) alias => '' (0 chars) l18n_cfg => 0 (integer) fe_login_mode => 1 (integer) backend_layout => 'pagets__TopContentContentSidebar84' (34 chars) backend_layout_next_level => '' (0 chars) tsconfig_includes => '' (0 chars) categories => 0 (integer) tx_themes_icon => '' (0 chars) tx_realurl_pathsegment => '' (0 chars) tx_realurl_pathoverride => 0 (integer) tx_realurl_exclude => 0 (integer) zzz_deleted_tx_realurl_nocache => 0 (integer) zzz_deleted_tx_dkdstandard_htmltitle => NULL zzz_deleted_tx_samson_noindex => 0 (integer) zzz_deleted_tx_samson_nofollow => 0 (integer) tx_themet3kit_fixed_post_var_conf => '0' (1 chars) l10nmgr_configuration => 0 (integer) l10nmgr_configuration_next_level => 0 (integer) l10nmgr_language_restriction => 0 (integer) no_index => 0 (integer) no_follow => 0 (integer) seo_title => '' (0 chars) tx_yoastseo_focuskeyword => '' (0 chars) zzz_deleted_canonical_url => '' (0 chars) tx_yoastseo_robot_instructions => 0 (integer) og_title => '' (0 chars) og_description => '' (0 chars) og_image => 0 (integer) twitter_title => '' (0 chars) twitter_description => '' (0 chars) twitter_image => 0 (integer) zzz_deleted_last_mod => 0 (integer) zzz_deleted_tx_yoastseo_dont_use => 0 (integer) tx_yoastseo_hide_snippet_preview => 0 (integer) tx_yoastseo_cornerstone => 0 (integer) tx_yoastseo_score_readability => '' (0 chars) tx_yoastseo_score_seo => '' (0 chars) tx_yoastseo_snippetpreview => 0 (integer) tx_yoastseo_focuskeyword_analysis => 0 (integer) tx_yoastseo_readability_analysis => 0 (integer) content_from_pid_language => -1 (integer) sitemap_priority => '0.5' (3 chars) sitemap_changefreq => '' (0 chars) canonical_link => '' (0 chars) tx_yoastseo_focuskeyword_premium => 0 (integer) tx_yoastseo_focuskeyword_synonyms => NULL sys_language_uid => 3 (integer) l18n_diffsource => 'a:2:{s:5:"title";s:7:"Termine";s:7:"urltype";i:1;}' (50 chars) l10n_state => NULL _PAGES_OVERLAY => TRUE _PAGES_OVERLAY_UID => 503 (integer) _PAGES_OVERLAY_LANGUAGE => 3 (integer) newsItem => Dkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\NewsEventprototypemodified entity (uid=1536, pid=453) events => protectedarray(2 items) 0 => Dkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Eventprototypepersistent entity (uid=803, pid=453) startTime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2023-05-12T09:00:00+02:00, 1683874800) endTime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2023-05-12T16:00:00+02:00, 1683900000) timeZone => protected'' (0 chars) wholeDay => protected0 (integer) eventType => protected0 (integer) onlineEventLink => protected'' (0 chars) onlineEventLinkText => protected'' (0 chars) location => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Locationprototypepersistent entity (uid=1, pid=41) longitude => protected'50.118185' (9 chars) latitude => protected'8.733113' (8 chars) title => protected'SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT' (25 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) street => protected'Weismuellerstrasse' (18 chars) streetNumber => protected'3' (1 chars) postalCode => protected'60314' (5 chars) city => protected'Frankfurt am Main' (17 chars) country => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Countryprototypepersistent entity (uid=54, pid=0) addressFormat => protected'1' (1 chars) capitalCity => protected'Berlin' (6 chars) countryZones => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (16 items) 000000004e4a254500000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=79, pid=0) 000000004e4a254e00000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=80, pid=0) 000000004e4a257800000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=81, pid=0) 000000004e4a254900000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=82, pid=0) 000000004e4a255800000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=83, pid=0) 000000004e4a255200000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=84, pid=0) 000000004e4a255d00000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=85, pid=0) 000000004e4a255500000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=86, pid=0) 000000004e4a255700000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=87, pid=0) 000000004e4a257700000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=88, pid=0) 000000004e4a254b00000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=89, pid=0) 000000004e4a254300000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=90, pid=0) 000000004e4a252400000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=91, pid=0) 000000004e4a252200000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=92, pid=0) 000000004e4a252100000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=93, pid=0) 000000004e4a252900000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=94, pid=0) currencyIsoCodeNumber => protected978 (integer) currencyIsoCodeA3 => protected'EUR' (3 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE euMember => protectedTRUE isoCodeA2 => protected'DE' (2 chars) isoCodeA3 => protected'DEU' (3 chars) isoCodeNumber => protected276 (integer) officialNameEn => protected'Federal Republic of Germany' (27 chars) officialNameLocal => protected'Bundesrepublik Deutschland' (26 chars) parentTerritoryUnCodeNumber => protected155 (integer) phonePrefix => protected49 (integer) shortNameEn => protected'Germany' (7 chars) shortNameLocal => protected'Deutschland' (11 chars) unMember => protectedTRUE topLevelDomain => protected'de' (2 chars) zoneFlag => protectedFALSE shortNameDe => protected'Deutschland' (11 chars) shortNameFr => protected'Allemagne' (9 chars) shortNameEs => protected'Alemania' (8 chars) tableName => protected'static_countries' (16 chars) columnsMapping => protectedarray(22 items) cn_short_de => array(1 item)max depth cn_short_fr => array(1 item)max depth cn_short_es => array(1 item)max depth cn_address_format => array(1 item)max depth cn_capital => array(1 item)max depth cn_currency_iso_3 => array(1 item)max depth cn_currency_iso_nr => array(1 item)max depth cn_eu_member => array(1 item)max depth cn_iso_2 => array(1 item)max depth cn_iso_3 => array(1 item)max depth cn_iso_nr => array(1 item)max depth cn_official_name_local => array(1 item)max depth cn_official_name_en => array(1 item)max depth cn_parent_tr_iso_nr => array(1 item)max depth cn_phone => array(1 item)max depth cn_short_local => array(1 item)max depth cn_short_en => array(1 item)max depth cn_tldomain => array(1 item)max depth cn_uno_member => array(1 item)max depth cn_zone_flag => array(1 item)max depth cn_country_zones => array(1 item)max depth deleted => array(1 item)max depth objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered nameLocalized => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected54 (integer) _localizedUid => protected54 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected54 (integer)modified pid => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1 (integer) _localizedUid => protected7 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1 (integer)modified pid => protected41 (integer) organizer => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Organizerprototypepersistent entity (uid=1, pid=41) title => protected'SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT' (25 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) street => protected'' (0 chars) streetNumber => protected'' (0 chars) postalCode => protected'' (0 chars) city => protected'' (0 chars) country => protectedNULL uid => protected1 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected-1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1 (integer)modified pid => protected41 (integer) news => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\NewsEventprototypemodified entitysee above (uid=1536, pid=453) uid => protected803 (integer) _localizedUid => protected803 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected803 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 1 => Dkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Eventprototypepersistent entity (uid=804, pid=453) startTime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2023-11-10T09:00:00+01:00, 1699603200) endTime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2023-11-10T16:00:00+01:00, 1699628400) timeZone => protected'' (0 chars) wholeDay => protected0 (integer) eventType => protected0 (integer) onlineEventLink => protected'' (0 chars) onlineEventLinkText => protected'' (0 chars) location => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Locationprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=1, pid=41) organizer => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Organizerprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=1, pid=41) news => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\NewsEventprototypemodified entitysee above (uid=1536, pid=453) uid => protected804 (integer) _localizedUid => protected804 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected804 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)modified upcomingEvents => protectedarray(empty)modified previousEvents => protectedarray(2 items) 0 => Dkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Eventprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=803, pid=453) 1 => Dkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Eventprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=804, pid=453)modified notes => protected'' (0 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) sysLanguageUid => protected0 (integer) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) starttime => protectedNULL endtime => protectedNULL feGroup => protected'' (0 chars) hidden => protectedFALSE deleted => protectedNULL cruserId => protected88 (integer) title => protected'KBS — Kritische Betriebszustände bei Stellventilen' (53 chars) alternativeTitle => protected'' (0 chars) teaser => protected'Themen dieses Seminars sind die Abschätzung der zu erwartenden Schallemissi
         onen sowie die Strömungsverhältnisse bei Ventilen, die in Grenzzuständen
         arbeiten. Darüber hinaus wird erläutert, wie unter besonderen Betriebsbedi
         ngungen die Durchflusskapazität zu berechnen ist.
' (278 chars) bodytext => protected'' (0 chars) datetime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T15:00:00+01:00, 1670508000) archive => protectedNULL author => protected'' (0 chars) authorEmail => protected'' (0 chars) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000004e4a2c4a00000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=24, pid=23) sorting => protected40704 (integer) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2018-11-02T14:18:53+01:00, 1541164733) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-09-09T10:09:21+02:00, 1568016561) starttime => protectedNULL hidden => protectedFALSE endtime => protectedNULL sysLanguageUid => protected2 (integer) l10nParent => protected24 (integer) title => protected'Seminars' (8 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parentcategory => protectedGeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=10, pid=23) sorting => protected44544 (integer) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2018-07-20T07:57:55+02:00, 1532066275) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-09-09T10:09:21+02:00, 1568016561) starttime => protectedNULL hidden => protectedFALSE endtime => protectedNULL sysLanguageUid => protected3 (integer) l10nParent => protected10 (integer) title => protected'Manifestations' (14 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parentcategory => protectedNULL images => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) shortcut => protected0 (integer) singlePid => protected0 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) feGroup => protectedNULL seoTitle => protected'' (0 chars) seoDescription => protected'' (0 chars) seoHeadline => protected'' (0 chars) seoText => protected'' (0 chars) slug => protectedNULL uid => protected10 (integer) _localizedUid => protected20 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected3 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected10 (integer)modified pid => protected23 (integer) images => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) shortcut => protected0 (integer) singlePid => protected457 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) feGroup => protectedNULL seoTitle => protected'' (0 chars) seoDescription => protected'' (0 chars) seoHeadline => protected'' (0 chars) seoText => protected'' (0 chars) slug => protectedNULL uid => protected24 (integer) _localizedUid => protected26 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected24 (integer)modified pid => protected23 (integer) related => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) relatedFrom => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) falRelatedFiles => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) relatedLinks => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (6 items) 000000004e4a241c00000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=1433, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) title => protected'Seminare und Covid-19' (21 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) uri => protected'https://www.samsongroup.com/de/service-support/grundlagenseminare/termine/ne
               ws/seminare/seminare-covid-19/ _blank
' (113 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1433 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1433 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1433 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a258600000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=1434, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) title => protected'RTI — Regelungstechnik für Techniker und Ingenieure' (54 chars) description => protected'Gleiche Woche' (13 chars) uri => protected'https://www.samsongroup.com/de/service-support/grundlagenseminare/termine/ne
               ws/seminare/rti-2023/ _top
' (102 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1434 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1434 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1434 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a258700000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=1435, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) title => protected'SVI — Stellventiltechnik für Techniker und Ingenieure' (56 chars) description => protected'Gleiche Woche' (13 chars) uri => protected'https://www.samsongroup.com/de/service-support/grundlagenseminare/termine/ne
               ws/seminare/svi-2023/ _top
' (102 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1435 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1435 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1435 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a2af400000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=1436, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) title => protected'ABS — Auslegung und Berechnung von Stellventilen' (50 chars) description => protected'Gleiche Woche' (13 chars) uri => protected'https://www.samsongroup.com/de/service-support/grundlagenseminare/termine/ne
               ws/seminare/abs-2023/ _top
' (102 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1436 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1436 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1436 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a257300000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=1437, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) title => protected'Übersicht Grundlagenseminare' (29 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) uri => protected'87' (2 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1437 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1437 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1437 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a241700000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=1438, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) title => protected'Übersicht Technische Informationen' (35 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) uri => protected'https://www.samsongroup.com/de/service-support/downloads/dokumentation/?tx_s
               olr%5Bq%5D=%2A&tx_solr%5Bfilter%5D%5B1%5D=docType%3A21 _blank
' (137 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1438 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1438 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1438 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
type => protected'tx-dkdnewsevents-event' (22 chars) keywords => protected'' (0 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) falMedia => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) falMediaPreviews => protectedNULL falMediaNonPreviews => protectedNULL internalurl => protectedNULL externalurl => protectedNULL istopnews => protectedFALSE contentElements => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (10 items) 000000004e4a323500000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44865, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'gridelements_pi1' (16 chars) header => protected'2col - 7/5' (10 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'' (0 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'100' (3 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44865 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44865 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44865 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a323000000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44866, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'div' (3 chars) header => protected'Divider - Technische Informationen' (34 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'' (0 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'100' (3 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44866 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44866 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44866 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a33a300000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44869, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'gridelements_pi1' (16 chars) header => protected'Technische Informationen - 2col 7/5' (35 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protectedNULL colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'100' (3 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44869 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44869 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44869 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a33a200000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44870, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'div' (3 chars) header => protected'Divider - Lernziele' (19 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protectedNULL colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'0' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44870 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44870 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44870 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a33c900000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44871, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'text' (4 chars) header => protected'Lernziele' (9 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'<p>Die Teilnehmer lernen die Unterschiede der verschiedenen Schallberechnung
               sstandards kennen. Damit haben sie die Möglichkeit, Schallberechnungen von
               unterschiedlichen Herstellern oder Programmen besser zu beurteilen. Außerde
               m werden zur Lösung von Schallproblemen Empfehlungen für primäre und seku
               ndäre Maßnahmen gegeben.</p>
' (334 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'5' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44871 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44871 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44871 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a33d300000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44872, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'div' (3 chars) header => protected'Divider - Zielgruppe' (20 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'' (0 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'100' (3 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44872 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44872 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44872 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a33d400000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44873, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'text' (4 chars) header => protected'Zielgruppe' (10 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'<p>Mitarbeiter von Unternehmen, die verantwortlich sind für die Planung und
                Auslegung von Stellventilen.</p>
' (109 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'5' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44873 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44873 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44873 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a33af00000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44874, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'div' (3 chars) header => protected'Divider - Inhalte' (17 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protectedNULL colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'0' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44874 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44874 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44874 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a321b00000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44875, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'bullets' (7 chars) header => protected'Inhalte' (7 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'Kavitation, xFZ-Wert, Flashing, überkritische Strömungen und hohe Austritt
               sgeschwindigkeiten Kvs-Wert-Auslegung bei Zweiphasenströmung und bei Mikro
               ventilen Schallentstehung bei Stellventilen Schallberechnungsnormen Klär
               ung grundsätzlicher Fragen und Maßnahmen bei Schallproblemen
' (290 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'5' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44875 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44875 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44875 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a33fb00000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44876, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'text' (4 chars) header => protected'Inhalte - Hinweis' (17 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'<p>Zum Seminar gehört auch eine Demonstration kritischer Betriebszustände
               in unserem <a class="internal-link" href="t3://page?uid=437">ROLF SANDVOSS I
               NNOVATION CENTER</a>.</p>
' (177 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'100' (3 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44876 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44876 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44876 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) pathSegment => protected'KBS-2023' (8 chars) editlock => protected0 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) sorting => protected0 (integer) ogTitle => protected'' (0 chars) ogDescription => protectedNULL ogImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) twitterTitle => protected'' (0 chars) twitterDescription => protectedNULL twitterImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected1536 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1536 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1536 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
currentPage => 1 (integer) demand => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Dto\NewsDemandprototypetransient entity categories => protectedarray(empty) categoryConjunction => protected'' (0 chars) includeSubCategories => protected'0' (1 chars) author => protectedNULL tags => protected'' (0 chars) archiveRestriction => protected'' (0 chars) timeRestriction => protected'' (0 chars) timeRestrictionHigh => protected'' (0 chars) topNewsRestriction => protected'' (0 chars) dateField => protected'datetime' (8 chars) month => protectedNULL year => protectedNULL day => protectedNULL searchFields => protected'teaser,title,bodytext' (21 chars) search => protectedNULL order => protected'datetime desc' (13 chars) orderByAllowed => protected'sorting,author,uid,title,teaser,author,tstamp,crdate,datetime,categories.tit
' (78 chars) topNewsFirst => protected'0' (1 chars) storagePage => protected'41' (2 chars) limit => protected0 (integer) offset => protected0 (integer) excludeAlreadyDisplayedNews => protectedFALSE hideIdList => protectedNULL idList => protected'' (0 chars) action => protected'GeorgRinger\News\Controller\NewsController::detailAction' (56 chars) class => protected'GeorgRinger\News\Controller\NewsController' (42 chars) types => protectedarray(empty) _customSettings => protectedarray(empty) uid => protectedNULL _localizedUid => protectedNULL _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protectedNULL pid => protectedNULL
extendedVariables => array(empty) pageTitle => 'KBS — Kritische Betriebszustände bei Stellventilen' (53 chars) event => Dkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Eventprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=803, pid=453) iterator => array(7 items) index => 0 (integer) cycle => 1 (integer) total => 2 (integer) isFirst => TRUE isLast => FALSE isEven => FALSE isOdd => TRUE
Extbase Variable Dump
array(11 items)
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SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=80, pid=0) 000000004e4a257800000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=81, pid=0) 000000004e4a254900000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=82, pid=0) 000000004e4a255800000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=83, pid=0) 000000004e4a255200000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=84, pid=0) 000000004e4a255d00000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=85, pid=0) 000000004e4a255500000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=86, pid=0) 000000004e4a255700000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=87, pid=0) 000000004e4a257700000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=88, pid=0) 000000004e4a254b00000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=89, pid=0) 000000004e4a254300000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=90, pid=0) 000000004e4a252400000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=91, pid=0) 000000004e4a252200000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=92, pid=0) 000000004e4a252100000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=93, pid=0) 000000004e4a252900000000043609bb => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=94, pid=0) currencyIsoCodeNumber => protected978 (integer) currencyIsoCodeA3 => protected'EUR' (3 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE euMember => protectedTRUE isoCodeA2 => protected'DE' (2 chars) isoCodeA3 => protected'DEU' (3 chars) isoCodeNumber => protected276 (integer) officialNameEn => protected'Federal Republic of Germany' (27 chars) officialNameLocal => protected'Bundesrepublik Deutschland' (26 chars) parentTerritoryUnCodeNumber => protected155 (integer) phonePrefix => protected49 (integer) shortNameEn => protected'Germany' (7 chars) shortNameLocal => protected'Deutschland' (11 chars) unMember => protectedTRUE topLevelDomain => protected'de' (2 chars) zoneFlag => protectedFALSE shortNameDe => protected'Deutschland' (11 chars) shortNameFr => protected'Allemagne' (9 chars) shortNameEs => protected'Alemania' (8 chars) tableName => protected'static_countries' (16 chars) columnsMapping => protectedarray(22 items) cn_short_de => array(1 item)max depth cn_short_fr => array(1 item)max depth cn_short_es => array(1 item)max depth cn_address_format => array(1 item)max depth cn_capital => array(1 item)max depth cn_currency_iso_3 => array(1 item)max depth cn_currency_iso_nr => array(1 item)max depth cn_eu_member => array(1 item)max depth cn_iso_2 => array(1 item)max depth cn_iso_3 => array(1 item)max depth cn_iso_nr => array(1 item)max depth cn_official_name_local => array(1 item)max depth cn_official_name_en => array(1 item)max depth cn_parent_tr_iso_nr => array(1 item)max depth cn_phone => array(1 item)max depth cn_short_local => array(1 item)max depth cn_short_en => array(1 item)max depth cn_tldomain => array(1 item)max depth cn_uno_member => array(1 item)max depth cn_zone_flag => array(1 item)max depth cn_country_zones => array(1 item)max depth deleted => array(1 item)max depth objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered nameLocalized => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected54 (integer) _localizedUid => protected54 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected54 (integer)modified pid => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1 (integer) _localizedUid => protected7 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1 (integer)modified pid => protected41 (integer) organizer => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Organizerprototypepersistent entity (uid=1, pid=41) title => protected'SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT' (25 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) street => protected'' (0 chars) streetNumber => protected'' (0 chars) postalCode => protected'' (0 chars) city => protected'' (0 chars) country => protectedNULL uid => protected1 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected-1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1 (integer)modified pid => protected41 (integer) news => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\NewsEventprototypemodified entitysee above (uid=1536, pid=453) uid => protected803 (integer) _localizedUid => protected803 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected803 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 1 => Dkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Eventprototypepersistent entity (uid=804, pid=453) startTime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2023-11-10T09:00:00+01:00, 1699603200) endTime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2023-11-10T16:00:00+01:00, 1699628400) timeZone => protected'' (0 chars) wholeDay => protected0 (integer) eventType => protected0 (integer) onlineEventLink => protected'' (0 chars) onlineEventLinkText => protected'' (0 chars) location => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Locationprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=1, pid=41) organizer => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Organizerprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=1, pid=41) news => 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protectedNULL cruserId => protected88 (integer) title => protected'KBS — Kritische Betriebszustände bei Stellventilen' (53 chars) alternativeTitle => protected'' (0 chars) teaser => protected'Themen dieses Seminars sind die Abschätzung der zu erwartenden Schallemissi
         onen sowie die Strömungsverhältnisse bei Ventilen, die in Grenzzuständen
         arbeiten. Darüber hinaus wird erläutert, wie unter besonderen Betriebsbedi
         ngungen die Durchflusskapazität zu berechnen ist.
' (278 chars) bodytext => protected'' (0 chars) datetime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T15:00:00+01:00, 1670508000) archive => protectedNULL author => protected'' (0 chars) authorEmail => protected'' (0 chars) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000004e4a2c4a00000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=24, pid=23) sorting => protected40704 (integer) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2018-11-02T14:18:53+01:00, 1541164733) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-09-09T10:09:21+02:00, 1568016561) starttime => protectedNULL hidden => protectedFALSE endtime => protectedNULL sysLanguageUid => protected2 (integer) l10nParent => protected24 (integer) title => protected'Seminars' (8 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parentcategory => protectedGeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=10, pid=23) sorting => protected44544 (integer) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2018-07-20T07:57:55+02:00, 1532066275) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-09-09T10:09:21+02:00, 1568016561) starttime => protectedNULL hidden => protectedFALSE endtime => protectedNULL sysLanguageUid => protected3 (integer) l10nParent => protected10 (integer) title => protected'Manifestations' (14 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parentcategory => protectedNULL images => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) shortcut => protected0 (integer) singlePid => protected0 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) feGroup => protectedNULL seoTitle => protected'' (0 chars) seoDescription => protected'' (0 chars) seoHeadline => protected'' (0 chars) seoText => protected'' (0 chars) slug => protectedNULL uid => protected10 (integer) _localizedUid => protected20 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected3 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected10 (integer)modified pid => protected23 (integer) images => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) shortcut => protected0 (integer) singlePid => protected457 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) feGroup => protectedNULL seoTitle => protected'' (0 chars) seoDescription => protected'' (0 chars) seoHeadline => protected'' (0 chars) seoText => protected'' (0 chars) slug => protectedNULL uid => protected24 (integer) _localizedUid => protected26 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected24 (integer)modified pid => protected23 (integer) related => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) relatedFrom => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) falRelatedFiles => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) relatedLinks => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (6 items) 000000004e4a241c00000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=1433, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) title => protected'Seminare und Covid-19' (21 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) uri => protected'https://www.samsongroup.com/de/service-support/grundlagenseminare/termine/ne
               ws/seminare/seminare-covid-19/ _blank
' (113 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1433 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1433 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1433 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a258600000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=1434, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) title => protected'RTI — Regelungstechnik für Techniker und Ingenieure' (54 chars) description => protected'Gleiche Woche' (13 chars) uri => protected'https://www.samsongroup.com/de/service-support/grundlagenseminare/termine/ne
               ws/seminare/rti-2023/ _top
' (102 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1434 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1434 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1434 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a258700000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=1435, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) title => protected'SVI — Stellventiltechnik für Techniker und Ingenieure' (56 chars) description => protected'Gleiche Woche' (13 chars) uri => protected'https://www.samsongroup.com/de/service-support/grundlagenseminare/termine/ne
               ws/seminare/svi-2023/ _top
' (102 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1435 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1435 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1435 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a2af400000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=1436, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) title => protected'ABS — Auslegung und Berechnung von Stellventilen' (50 chars) description => protected'Gleiche Woche' (13 chars) uri => protected'https://www.samsongroup.com/de/service-support/grundlagenseminare/termine/ne
               ws/seminare/abs-2023/ _top
' (102 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1436 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1436 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1436 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a257300000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=1437, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) title => protected'Übersicht Grundlagenseminare' (29 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) uri => protected'87' (2 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1437 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1437 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1437 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a241700000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=1438, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) title => protected'Übersicht Technische Informationen' (35 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) uri => protected'https://www.samsongroup.com/de/service-support/downloads/dokumentation/?tx_s
               olr%5Bq%5D=%2A&tx_solr%5Bfilter%5D%5B1%5D=docType%3A21 _blank
' (137 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected1438 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1438 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1438 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
type => protected'tx-dkdnewsevents-event' (22 chars) keywords => protected'' (0 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) falMedia => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) falMediaPreviews => protectedNULL falMediaNonPreviews => protectedNULL internalurl => protectedNULL externalurl => protectedNULL istopnews => protectedFALSE contentElements => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (10 items) 000000004e4a323500000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44865, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'gridelements_pi1' (16 chars) header => protected'2col - 7/5' (10 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'' (0 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'100' (3 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44865 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44865 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44865 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a323000000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44866, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'div' (3 chars) header => protected'Divider - Technische Informationen' (34 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'' (0 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'100' (3 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44866 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44866 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44866 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a33a300000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44869, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'gridelements_pi1' (16 chars) header => protected'Technische Informationen - 2col 7/5' (35 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protectedNULL colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'100' (3 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44869 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44869 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44869 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a33a200000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44870, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'div' (3 chars) header => protected'Divider - Lernziele' (19 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protectedNULL colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'0' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44870 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44870 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44870 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a33c900000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44871, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'text' (4 chars) header => protected'Lernziele' (9 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'<p>Die Teilnehmer lernen die Unterschiede der verschiedenen Schallberechnung
               sstandards kennen. Damit haben sie die Möglichkeit, Schallberechnungen von
               unterschiedlichen Herstellern oder Programmen besser zu beurteilen. Außerde
               m werden zur Lösung von Schallproblemen Empfehlungen für primäre und seku
               ndäre Maßnahmen gegeben.</p>
' (334 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'5' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44871 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44871 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44871 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a33d300000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44872, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'div' (3 chars) header => protected'Divider - Zielgruppe' (20 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'' (0 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'100' (3 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44872 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44872 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44872 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a33d400000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44873, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'text' (4 chars) header => protected'Zielgruppe' (10 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'<p>Mitarbeiter von Unternehmen, die verantwortlich sind für die Planung und
                Auslegung von Stellventilen.</p>
' (109 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'5' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44873 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44873 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44873 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a33af00000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44874, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'div' (3 chars) header => protected'Divider - Inhalte' (17 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protectedNULL colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'0' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44874 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44874 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44874 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 000000004e4a321b00000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44875, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'bullets' (7 chars) header => protected'Inhalte' (7 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'Kavitation, xFZ-Wert, Flashing, überkritische Strömungen und hohe Austritt
               sgeschwindigkeiten Kvs-Wert-Auslegung bei Zweiphasenströmung und bei Mikro
               ventilen Schallentstehung bei Stellventilen Schallberechnungsnormen Klär
               ung grundsätzlicher Fragen und Maßnahmen bei Schallproblemen
' (290 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'5' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44875 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44875 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44875 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
000000004e4a33fb00000000043609bb => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=44876, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T11:18:44+01:00, 1670494724) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-12-08T12:23:45+01:00, 1670498625) CType => protected'text' (4 chars) header => protected'Inhalte - Hinweis' (17 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'<p>Zum Seminar gehört auch eine Demonstration kritischer Betriebszustände
               in unserem <a class="internal-link" href="t3://page?uid=437">ROLF SANDVOSS I
               NNOVATION CENTER</a>.</p>
' (177 chars) colPos => protected0 (integer) image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected2 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'100' (3 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected44876 (integer) _localizedUid => protected44876 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected44876 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) pathSegment => protected'KBS-2023' (8 chars) editlock => protected0 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) sorting => protected0 (integer) ogTitle => protected'' (0 chars) ogDescription => protectedNULL ogImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) twitterTitle => protected'' (0 chars) twitterDescription => protectedNULL twitterImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected1536 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1536 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1536 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)
currentPage => 1 (integer) demand => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Dto\NewsDemandprototypetransient entity categories => protectedarray(empty) categoryConjunction => protected'' (0 chars) includeSubCategories => protected'0' (1 chars) author => protectedNULL tags => protected'' (0 chars) archiveRestriction => protected'' (0 chars) timeRestriction => protected'' (0 chars) timeRestrictionHigh => protected'' (0 chars) topNewsRestriction => protected'' (0 chars) dateField => protected'datetime' (8 chars) month => protectedNULL year => protectedNULL day => protectedNULL searchFields => protected'teaser,title,bodytext' (21 chars) search => protectedNULL order => protected'datetime desc' (13 chars) orderByAllowed => protected'sorting,author,uid,title,teaser,author,tstamp,crdate,datetime,categories.tit
' (78 chars) topNewsFirst => protected'0' (1 chars) storagePage => protected'41' (2 chars) limit => protected0 (integer) offset => protected0 (integer) excludeAlreadyDisplayedNews => protectedFALSE hideIdList => protectedNULL idList => protected'' (0 chars) action => protected'GeorgRinger\News\Controller\NewsController::detailAction' (56 chars) class => protected'GeorgRinger\News\Controller\NewsController' (42 chars) types => protectedarray(empty) _customSettings => protectedarray(empty) uid => protectedNULL _localizedUid => protectedNULL _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protectedNULL pid => protectedNULL
extendedVariables => array(empty) pageTitle => 'KBS — Kritische Betriebszustände bei Stellventilen' (53 chars) event => Dkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Eventprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=804, pid=453) iterator => array(7 items) index => 1 (integer) cycle => 2 (integer) total => 2 (integer) isFirst => FALSE isLast => TRUE isEven => TRUE isOdd => FALSE
KBS — Kritische Betriebszustände bei Stellventilen




KBS — Kritische Betriebszustände bei Stellventilen


Themen dieses Seminars sind die Abschätzung der zu erwartenden Schallemissionen sowie die Strömungsverhältnisse bei Ventilen, die in Grenzzuständen arbeiten. Darüber hinaus wird erläutert, wie unter besonderen Betriebsbedingungen die Durchflusskapazität zu berechnen ist.


Seminardauer: 1 Tag

Preis: EUR 440,– (zzgl. MwSt.)

Technische Informationen


Die Teilnehmer lernen die Unterschiede der verschiedenen Schallberechnungsstandards kennen. Damit haben sie die Möglichkeit, Schallberechnungen von unterschiedlichen Herstellern oder Programmen besser zu beurteilen. Außerdem werden zur Lösung von Schallproblemen Empfehlungen für primäre und sekundäre Maßnahmen gegeben.


Mitarbeiter von Unternehmen, die verantwortlich sind für die Planung und Auslegung von Stellventilen.

  • Kavitation, xFZ-Wert, Flashing, überkritische Strömungen und hohe Austrittsgeschwindigkeiten
  • Kvs-Wert-Auslegung bei Zweiphasenströmung und bei Mikroventilen
  • Schallentstehung bei Stellventilen
  • Schallberechnungsnormen
  • Klärung grundsätzlicher Fragen und Maßnahmen bei Schallproblemen

Zum Seminar gehört auch eine Demonstration kritischer Betriebszustände in unserem ROLF SANDVOSS INNOVATION CENTER.

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Calendrier des événements:
2023-05-12 09:00 AM
2023-05-12 04:00 PM

2023-11-10 09:00 AM
2023-11-10 04:00 PM
Lieu de l’événement:


Weismuellerstrasse 3
60314 Frankfurt am Main

Planifier l’itinéraire
Prochains séminaires

Die Lösung von regelungstechnischen Aufgabenstellungen sowie die korrekte Auswahl und Einstellung von Reglern erfordern ein gutes Verständnis der...

13-05 09:00 - 13-05 16:00


In den Regelkreisen der Prozess- und Verfahrenstechnik werden überwiegend Stellventile eingesetzt. Eine umsichtige Planung sowie richtige Auswahl und...

14-05 09:00 - 14-05 16:00


Die richtige Auswahl und Berechnung von Stellventilen ist Grundvoraussetzung, um eine einwandfreie Funktion in der Anlage garantieren zu können.

15-05 09:00 - 16-05 16:00


Themen dieses Seminars sind die Abschätzung der zu erwartenden Schallemissionen sowie die Strömungsverhältnisse bei Ventilen, die in Grenzzuständen...

17-05 09:00 - 17-05 16:00


Fernwärme wird im Wohnbereich, in öffentlichen Gebäuden und in der Industrie als umweltfreundlicher Energieträger vielfach genutzt.

21-05 09:00 - 22-05 16:00