Extbase Variable Dump
array(11 items)
   settings => array(53 items)
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      overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty => 'cropMaxCharacters,dateField,timeRestriction,archiveRestriction,orderBy,order
' (179 chars) allowEmptyStringsForOverwriteDemand => '1' (1 chars) includeSubCategories => '0' (1 chars) detailPidDetermination => 'flexform, categories, default' (29 chars) dateField => 'datetime' (8 chars) cropMaxCharacters => '150' (3 chars) orderBy => 'datetime' (8 chars) orderDirection => 'desc' (4 chars) topNewsFirst => '0' (1 chars) orderByAllowed => 'sorting,author,uid,title,teaser,author,tstamp,crdate,datetime,categories.tit
' (78 chars) facebookLocale => 'en_US' (5 chars) googlePlusLocale => 'en' (2 chars) disqusLocale => 'en' (2 chars) demandClass => '' (0 chars) useStdWrap => 'domain' (6 chars) pressinformationCategory => '8' (1 chars) newsCarousel => array(1 item) cropMaxCharacters => '136' (3 chars) card => array(1 item) cropMaxCharacters => '200' (3 chars) simpleList => array(1 item) cropMaxCharacters => '280' (3 chars) timeline => array(1 item) cropMaxCharacters => '500' (3 chars) list => array(4 items) media => array(2 items) dummyImage => 'typo3conf/ext/samson/Resources/Public/Images/news/dummy-preview-image.png' (73 chars) image => array(2 items) maxHeight => '50' (2 chars) maxWidth => '750' (3 chars) paginate => array(6 items) itemsPerPage => '10' (2 chars) insertAbove => '1' (1 chars) insertBelow => '1' (1 chars) templatePath => '' (0 chars) prevNextHeaderTags => '1' (1 chars) maximumNumberOfLinks => '3' (1 chars) rss => array(1 item) channel => array(6 items) title => 'Dummy Title' (11 chars) description => '' (0 chars) language => 'en-gb' (5 chars) copyright => 'TYPO3 News' (10 chars) generator => 'TYPO3 EXT:news' (14 chars) link => 'http://example.com' (18 chars) tiles => array(1 item) cardBgColorList => array(13 items) 10 => 'cardBgColor-red' (15 chars) 20 => 'cardBgColor-heather' (19 chars) 30 => 'cardBgColor-baliHai' (19 chars) 40 => 'cardBgColor-lightSlateGray' (26 chars) 50 => 'cardBgColor-shakespeare' (23 chars) 60 => 'cardBgColor-darkKhaki' (21 chars) 70 => 'cardBgColor-blumine' (19 chars) 80 => 'cardBgColor-tonysPink' (21 chars) 90 => 'cardBgColor-brass' (17 chars) 100 => 'cardBgColor-lightSkyBlue' (24 chars) 110 => 'cardBgColor-dustStorm' (21 chars) 120 => 'cardBgColor-hoki' (16 chars) 130 => 'cardBgColor-beige' (17 chars) detail => array(11 items) showPrevNext => '0' (1 chars) showRelatedFileIcon => '0' (1 chars) errorHandling => 'pageNotFoundHandler,404' (23 chars) checkPidOfNewsRecord => '0' (1 chars) registerProperties => 'keywords,title' (14 chars) showSocialShareButtons => '1' (1 chars) showMetaTags => '1' (1 chars) disqusShortname => '' (0 chars) pageTitleWrap => '|. SAMSON' (9 chars) shariff => array(3 items) enableBackend => '0' (1 chars) services => 'facebook,twitter,whatsapp' (25 chars) data => array(10 items) lang => 'en' (2 chars) mail-body => '' (0 chars) mail-subject => '' (0 chars) mail-url => 'mailto:' (7 chars) media-url => '' (0 chars) orientation => 'horizontal' (10 chars) referrer-track => '' (0 chars) services => '' (0 chars) theme => 'standard' (8 chars) twitter-via => '' (0 chars) media => array(2 items) image => array(3 items) maxWidth => '750' (3 chars) maxHeight => '50' (2 chars) lightbox => array(10 items) glue => '<br>' (4 chars) includeTitle => '0' (1 chars) includeDescription => '1' (1 chars) includeCopyright => '1' (1 chars) labelCopyright => '©' (2 chars) class => 'lightbox' (8 chars) enabled => '1' (1 chars) width => '' (0 chars) height => '' (0 chars) rel => 'lightbox[myImageSet]' (20 chars) video => array(2 items) width => '282' (3 chars) height => '159' (3 chars) analytics => array(1 item) social => array(3 items) facebookLike => '1' (1 chars) facebookShare => '1' (1 chars) twitter => '1' (1 chars) link => array(3 items) typesOpeningInNewWindow => '2' (1 chars) hrDate => array(4 items) day => 'j' (1 chars) month => 'n' (1 chars) year => 'Y' (1 chars) _typoScriptNodeValue => '0' (1 chars) skipControllerAndAction => '1' (1 chars) search => array(2 items) fields => 'teaser,title,bodytext' (21 chars) splitSearchWord => '0' (1 chars) opengraph => array(15 items) site_name => '' (0 chars) type => 'article' (7 chars) admins => '' (0 chars) email => '' (0 chars) phone_number => '' (0 chars) fax_number => '' (0 chars) latitude => '' (0 chars) longitude => '' (0 chars) street-address => '' (0 chars) locality => '' (0 chars) locale => '' (0 chars) region => '' (0 chars) postal-code => '' (0 chars) country-name => '' (0 chars) twitter => array(3 items) card => 'summary' (7 chars) site => '' (0 chars) creator => '' (0 chars) domain => 'www.samsongroup.com' (19 chars) dkdNewsEvents => array(4 items) googleMapsApiKey => 'AIzaSyALP4JgA65HBlHlbiBD6Dxc2TnmNGOg2sQ' (39 chars) geoJson => '' (0 chars) googleMapsStylingJson => 'EXT:samson/Resources/Public/Javascript/Leaflet/GoogleMapsStyling.json' (69 chars) detail => array(1 item) pageTitleWrap => '|. SAMSON' (9 chars) categoryConjunction => '' (0 chars) categories => '' (0 chars) archiveRestriction => '' (0 chars) timeRestriction => '' (0 chars) timeRestrictionHigh => '' (0 chars) topNewsRestriction => '' (0 chars) startingpoint => '41' (2 chars) recursive => '' (0 chars) singleNews => '' (0 chars) previewHiddenRecords => '2' (1 chars) detailPid => '' (0 chars) listPid => '' (0 chars) backPid => '' (0 chars) limit => '' (0 chars) offset => '' (0 chars) tags => '' (0 chars) hidePagination => '0' (1 chars) excludeAlreadyDisplayedNews => '0' (1 chars) disableOverrideDemand => '1' (1 chars) media => array(2 items) maxWidth => '' (0 chars) maxHeight => '' (0 chars) templateLayout => '' (0 chars)
contentObjectData => array(106 items) uid => 14981 (integer) pid => 476 (integer) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_id => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) t3ver_count => 0 (integer) t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer) t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer) t3_origuid => 6469 (integer) tstamp => 1568016561 (integer) crdate => 1557822827 (integer) cruser_id => 88 (integer) editlock => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 5120 (integer) CType => 'list' (4 chars) header => '[Translate to English:] test' (28 chars) rowDescription => '' (0 chars) bodytext => NULL image => 0 (integer) imagewidth => 0 (integer) imageorient => 0 (integer) imagecols => 2 (integer) imageborder => 0 (integer) media => 0 (integer) layout => '0' (1 chars) deleted => 0 (integer) cols => 0 (integer) records => '' (0 chars) pages => '' (0 chars) starttime => 0 (integer) endtime => 0 (integer) colPos => 0 (integer) subheader => '' (0 chars) fe_group => '' (0 chars) header_link => '' (0 chars) image_zoom => 0 (integer) header_layout => '100' (3 chars) zzz_deleted_menu_type => '0' (1 chars) list_type => 'news_pi1' (8 chars) zzz_deleted_select_key => '' (0 chars) sectionIndex => 1 (integer) linkToTop => 0 (integer) file_collections => '' (0 chars) filelink_size => 0 (integer) filelink_sorting => '' (0 chars) target => '' (0 chars) date => 0 (integer) recursive => 0 (integer) imageheight => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 2 (integer) tx_impexp_origuid => 0 (integer) pi_flexform => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <T3FlexForms> <
         data> <sheet index="sDEF"> <language index="lDEF">
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         ="vDEF"></value> </field> <field index="sett
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         on"> <value index="vDEF"></value> </fiel
         d> <field index="settings.categories"> <
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         index="settings.includeSubCategories"> <value index="vDE
         F">0</value> </field> <field index="settings
         .archiveRestriction"> <value index="vDEF"></value>
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         ield index="settings.topNewsRestriction"> <value index="
         vDEF"></value> </field> <field index="settin
         gs.startingpoint"> <value index="vDEF">41</value>
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          <field index="settings.singleNews"> <value index
         ="vDEF"></value> </field> <field index="sett
         ings.previewHiddenRecords"> <value index="vDEF">2</value
         > </field> <field index="switchableControlle
         rActions"> <value index="vDEF"><![CDATA[News->detail]]><
         /value> ...
' (4240 chars) accessibility_title => '' (0 chars) accessibility_bypass => 0 (integer) accessibility_bypass_text => '' (0 chars) l18n_parent => 14981 (integer) l18n_diffsource => 'a:32:{s:6:"hidden";s:1:"0";s:5:"CType";s:4:"list";s:6:"colPos";s:1:"0";s:16:
         s:0:"";s:9:"list_type";s:8:"news_pi1";s:11:"pi_flexform";s:4231:"<?xml versi
         on="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <T3FlexForms> <data>
          <sheet index="sDEF"> <language index="lDEF">
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         alue> </field> <field index="settings.orderD
         irection"> <value index="vDEF"></value>
         </field> <field index="settings.categoryConjunction">
          <value index="vDEF"></value> </field>
          <field index="settings.categories"> <value index
         ="vDEF"></value> </field> <field index="sett
         ings.includeSubCategories"> <value index="vDEF">0</value
         > </field> <field index="settings.archiveRes
         triction"> <value index="vDEF"></value>
         </field> <field index="settings.timeRestriction">
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          <field index="settings.timeRestrictionHigh"> <value
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         "settings.topNewsRestriction"> <value index="vDEF"></val
         ue> </field> <field index="settings.starting
         point"> <value index="vDEF">41</value> <
         /field> <field index="settings.recursive">
          <value index="vDEF"></value> </field> <fi
         eld index="settings.sing...
' (5118 chars) selected_categories => '' (0 chars) category_field => '' (0 chars) table_caption => NULL table_delimiter => 124 (integer) table_enclosure => 0 (integer) table_header_position => 0 (integer) table_tfoot => 0 (integer) categories => 0 (integer) tx_themes_responsive => '' (0 chars) tx_themes_behaviour => '' (0 chars) tx_themes_variants => '' (0 chars) tx_themes_enforceequalcolumnheight => '' (0 chars) tx_themes_columnsettings => '' (0 chars) tx_themes_buttoncontent => 0 (integer) tx_themes_icon => '' (0 chars) bullets_type => 0 (integer) uploads_description => 0 (integer) uploads_type => 0 (integer) assets => 0 (integer) backupColPos => -2 (integer) tx_gridelements_backend_layout => '' (0 chars) tx_gridelements_children => 0 (integer) tx_gridelements_container => 0 (integer) tx_gridelements_columns => 0 (integer) wrapper => 0 (integer) wrapper_margin_top => 0 (integer) wrapper_margin_bottom => 0 (integer) aligning => 0 (integer) tx_news_related_news => 0 (integer) translate_x => 0 (integer) translate_y => 0 (integer) header_position => '' (0 chars) frame_class => 'default' (7 chars) spaceBefore => 0 (integer) spaceAfter => 0 (integer) space_before_class => '' (0 chars) space_after_class => '' (0 chars) l10n_source => 14981 (integer) table_class => '' (0 chars) l10n_state => '{"tx_themes_buttoncontent":"parent"}' (36 chars) l10nmgr_language_restriction => 0 (integer) insert_record_language => -1 (integer) tx_yoastseo_linking_suggestions => 0 (integer) gridelements_shortcut_page_order_by => 0 (integer) _LOCALIZED_UID => 14982 (integer)
emConfiguration => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Dto\EmConfigurationprototypeobject tagPid => protected'1' (1 chars) prependAtCopy => protected'1' (1 chars) categoryRestriction => protected'' (0 chars) categoryBeGroupTceFormsRestriction => protected'0' (1 chars) contentElementRelation => protected'1' (1 chars) contentElementPreview => protected'1' (1 chars) manualSorting => protected'0' (1 chars) archiveDate => protected'date' (4 chars) dateTimeNotRequired => protected'0' (1 chars) showImporter => protected'0' (1 chars) rteForTeaser => protected'0' (1 chars) showAdministrationModule => protected'1' (1 chars) hidePageTreeForAdministrationModule => protected'0' (1 chars) storageUidImporter => protected'1' (1 chars) resourceFolderImporter => protected'/news_import' (12 chars) mediaPreview => protectedFALSE advancedMediaPreview => protectedTRUE pageData => array(107 items) uid => 476 (integer) pid => 475 (integer) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_id => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) t3ver_count => 0 (integer) t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer) t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer) t3_origuid => 290 (integer) tstamp => 1557828945 (integer) sorting => 256 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) perms_userid => 0 (integer) perms_groupid => 8 (integer) perms_user => 31 (integer) perms_group => 27 (integer) perms_everybody => 0 (integer) editlock => 0 (integer) crdate => 1557822827 (integer) cruser_id => 88 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) title => 'Details' (7 chars) doktype => 1 (integer) TSconfig => NULL is_siteroot => 0 (integer) php_tree_stop => 0 (integer) tx_impexp_origuid => 0 (integer) url => '' (0 chars) starttime => 0 (integer) endtime => 0 (integer) urltype => 1 (integer) shortcut => 0 (integer) shortcut_mode => 0 (integer) no_cache => 0 (integer) fe_group => '' (0 chars) subtitle => '' (0 chars) layout => 0 (integer) zzz_deleted_url_scheme => 0 (integer) target => '' (0 chars) media => 0 (integer) lastUpdated => 0 (integer) keywords => NULL cache_timeout => 0 (integer) cache_tags => '' (0 chars) newUntil => 0 (integer) description => NULL no_search => 1 (integer) SYS_LASTCHANGED => 1710844045 (integer) abstract => NULL module => '' (0 chars) extendToSubpages => 0 (integer) author => '' (0 chars) author_email => '' (0 chars) nav_title => '' (0 chars) nav_hide => 1 (integer) content_from_pid => 0 (integer) mount_pid => 0 (integer) mount_pid_ol => 0 (integer) alias => '' (0 chars) l18n_cfg => 0 (integer) fe_login_mode => 1 (integer) backend_layout => 'pagets__TopContentContentSidebar84' (34 chars) backend_layout_next_level => '' (0 chars) tsconfig_includes => '' (0 chars) categories => 0 (integer) tx_themes_icon => '' (0 chars) tx_realurl_pathsegment => '' (0 chars) tx_realurl_pathoverride => 0 (integer) tx_realurl_exclude => 0 (integer) zzz_deleted_tx_realurl_nocache => 0 (integer) zzz_deleted_tx_dkdstandard_htmltitle => NULL zzz_deleted_tx_samson_noindex => 0 (integer) zzz_deleted_tx_samson_nofollow => 1 (integer) tx_themet3kit_fixed_post_var_conf => '0' (1 chars) l10nmgr_configuration => 0 (integer) l10nmgr_configuration_next_level => 0 (integer) l10nmgr_language_restriction => 0 (integer) no_index => 0 (integer) no_follow => 1 (integer) seo_title => '' (0 chars) tx_yoastseo_focuskeyword => '' (0 chars) zzz_deleted_canonical_url => '' (0 chars) tx_yoastseo_robot_instructions => 0 (integer) og_title => '' (0 chars) og_description => '' (0 chars) og_image => 0 (integer) twitter_title => '' (0 chars) twitter_description => '' (0 chars) twitter_image => 0 (integer) zzz_deleted_last_mod => 0 (integer) zzz_deleted_tx_yoastseo_dont_use => 0 (integer) tx_yoastseo_hide_snippet_preview => 0 (integer) tx_yoastseo_cornerstone => 0 (integer) tx_yoastseo_score_readability => 'bad' (3 chars) tx_yoastseo_score_seo => 'bad' (3 chars) tx_yoastseo_snippetpreview => 0 (integer) tx_yoastseo_focuskeyword_analysis => 0 (integer) tx_yoastseo_readability_analysis => 0 (integer) content_from_pid_language => -1 (integer) sitemap_priority => '0.5' (3 chars) sitemap_changefreq => '' (0 chars) canonical_link => '' (0 chars) tx_yoastseo_focuskeyword_premium => 0 (integer) tx_yoastseo_focuskeyword_synonyms => NULL newsItem => Dkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\NewsEventprototypemodified entity (uid=412, pid=453) events => protectedarray(1 item) 0 => Dkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Eventprototypepersistent entity (uid=102, pid=453) startTime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2020-01-28T09:00:00+01:00, 1580198400) endTime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2020-01-28T17:30:00+01:00, 1580229000) timeZone => protected'' (0 chars) wholeDay => protected0 (integer) eventType => protected0 (integer) onlineEventLink => protected'' (0 chars) onlineEventLinkText => protected'' (0 chars) location => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Locationprototypepersistent entity (uid=50, pid=41) longitude => protected'51.699488' (9 chars) latitude => protected'5.292630' (8 chars) title => protected'1931 Congrescentrum ‘s-Hertogenbosch' (38 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) street => protected'Oude Engelenseweg' (17 chars) streetNumber => protected'1' (1 chars) postalCode => protected'5222 AA' (7 chars) city => protected'’s-Hertogenbosch' (18 chars) country => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Countryprototypepersistent entity (uid=157, pid=0) addressFormat => protected'1' (1 chars) capitalCity => protected'Amsterdam' (9 chars) countryZones => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (12 items) 00000000112f6d4c00000000792dca5a => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=530, pid=0) 00000000112f67fc00000000792dca5a => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=531, pid=0) 00000000112f67f400000000792dca5a => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=532, pid=0) 00000000112f666f00000000792dca5a => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=533, pid=0) 00000000112f67d700000000792dca5a => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=534, pid=0) 00000000112f67cb00000000792dca5a => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=535, pid=0) 00000000112f663800000000792dca5a => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=536, pid=0) 00000000112f678f00000000792dca5a => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=537, pid=0) 00000000112f666e00000000792dca5a => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=538, pid=0) 00000000112f661200000000792dca5a => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=539, pid=0) 00000000112f667400000000792dca5a => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=540, pid=0) 00000000112f67d500000000792dca5a => SJBR\StaticInfoTables\Domain\Model\CountryZoneprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=541, pid=0) currencyIsoCodeNumber => protected978 (integer) currencyIsoCodeA3 => protected'EUR' (3 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE euMember => protectedTRUE isoCodeA2 => protected'NL' (2 chars) isoCodeA3 => protected'NLD' (3 chars) isoCodeNumber => protected528 (integer) officialNameEn => protected'Kingdom of the Netherlands' (26 chars) officialNameLocal => protected'Koninkrijk der Nederlanden' (26 chars) parentTerritoryUnCodeNumber => protected155 (integer) phonePrefix => protected31 (integer) shortNameEn => protected'Netherlands' (11 chars) shortNameLocal => protected'Nederland' (9 chars) unMember => protectedTRUE topLevelDomain => protected'nl' (2 chars) zoneFlag => protectedFALSE shortNameDe => protected'Niederlande' (11 chars) shortNameFr => protected'Pays-Bas' (8 chars) shortNameEs => protected'Países Bajos' (13 chars) tableName => protected'static_countries' (16 chars) columnsMapping => protectedarray(22 items) cn_short_de => array(1 item)max depth cn_short_fr => array(1 item)max depth cn_short_es => array(1 item)max depth cn_address_format => array(1 item)max depth cn_capital => array(1 item)max depth cn_currency_iso_3 => array(1 item)max depth cn_currency_iso_nr => array(1 item)max depth cn_eu_member => array(1 item)max depth cn_iso_2 => array(1 item)max depth cn_iso_3 => array(1 item)max depth cn_iso_nr => array(1 item)max depth cn_official_name_local => array(1 item)max depth cn_official_name_en => array(1 item)max depth cn_parent_tr_iso_nr => array(1 item)max depth cn_phone => array(1 item)max depth cn_short_local => array(1 item)max depth cn_short_en => array(1 item)max depth cn_tldomain => array(1 item)max depth cn_uno_member => array(1 item)max depth cn_zone_flag => array(1 item)max depth cn_country_zones => array(1 item)max depth deleted => array(1 item)max depth objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered nameLocalized => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected157 (integer) _localizedUid => protected157 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected157 (integer)modified pid => protected0 (integer) uid => protected50 (integer) _localizedUid => protected50 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected-1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected50 (integer)modified pid => protected41 (integer) organizer => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Organizerprototypepersistent entity (uid=5, pid=41) title => protected'SAMSON REGELTECHNIEK B.V.' (25 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) street => protected'Signaalrood' (11 chars) streetNumber => protected'10' (2 chars) postalCode => protected'2718' (4 chars) city => protected'SH Zoetermeer' (13 chars) country => protectedNULL uid => protected5 (integer) _localizedUid => protected5 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected-1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected5 (integer)modified pid => protected41 (integer) news => protectedDkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\NewsEventprototypemodified entitysee above (uid=412, pid=453) uid => protected102 (integer) _localizedUid => protected102 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected102 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer)modified upcomingEvents => protectedarray(empty)modified previousEvents => protectedarray(1 item) 0 => Dkd\DkdNewsEvents\Domain\Model\Eventprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=102, pid=453)modified notes => protected'' (0 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-08-14T10:11:17+02:00, 1565770277) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-12-09T12:35:51+01:00, 1575891351) sysLanguageUid => protected2 (integer) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) starttime => protectedNULL endtime => protectedNULL feGroup => protected'' (0 chars) hidden => protectedFALSE deleted => protectedNULL cruserId => protected88 (integer) title => protected'PRODUCTIE PROCES AUTOMATISERING (PPA)' (37 chars) alternativeTitle => protected'' (0 chars) teaser => protected'The PPA event offers an extensive seminar programme on current trends and de
         velopments in the process industry.
' (111 chars) bodytext => protected'<p>The PPA event offers an extensive seminar programme on current trends and
          developments in the process industry.</p> <p>This seminar is for managemen
         t, directors, engineers, buyers and operators in the industry.</p> <p>Durin
         nce”.</p> <p><em>In the process industry all standard solutions rely on m
         achine learning. However, what is the right method to use?&nbsp; In this pre
         sentation, we will discuss the questions that need to be asked when choosing
          a machine learning solution for your plant. Should it rely on real-time, on
         line, or historical data? Should it be a supervised or unsupervised process?
          What is the best way to involve the subject-matter experts’ knowledge? Sh
         aring our experience in process plants, we will show how to choose a process
          industry fitted machine learning solution.</em></p>
' (964 chars) datetime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-08-14T10:11:10+02:00, 1565770270) archive => protectedNULL author => protected'' (0 chars) authorEmail => protected'' (0 chars) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 00000000112f69e000000000792dca5a => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=29, pid=23) sorting => protected39168 (integer) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2018-12-04T11:35:06+01:00, 1543919706) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-09-09T10:09:21+02:00, 1568016561) starttime => protectedNULL hidden => protectedFALSE endtime => protectedNULL sysLanguageUid => protected2 (integer) l10nParent => protected29 (integer) title => protected'Netherlands' (11 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parentcategory => protectedGeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=27, pid=23) sorting => protected39936 (integer) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2018-12-04T11:33:08+01:00, 1543919588) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-09-09T10:09:21+02:00, 1568016561) starttime => protectedNULL hidden => protectedFALSE endtime => protectedNULL sysLanguageUid => protected2 (integer) l10nParent => protected27 (integer) title => protected'Sales offices' (13 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parentcategory => protectedNULL images => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) shortcut => protected0 (integer) singlePid => protected0 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) feGroup => protectedNULL seoTitle => protected'' (0 chars) seoDescription => protected'' (0 chars) seoHeadline => protected'' (0 chars) seoText => protected'' (0 chars) slug => protectedNULL uid => protected27 (integer) _localizedUid => protected28 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected27 (integer)modified pid => protected23 (integer) images => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) shortcut => protected0 (integer) singlePid => protected476 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) feGroup => protectedNULL seoTitle => protected'' (0 chars) seoDescription => protected'' (0 chars) seoHeadline => protected'' (0 chars) seoText => protected'' (0 chars) slug => protectedNULL uid => protected29 (integer) _localizedUid => protected30 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected29 (integer)modified pid => protected23 (integer) related => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) relatedFrom => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) falRelatedFiles => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) relatedLinks => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (2 items) 00000000112f6d5500000000792dca5a => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=106, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-08-14T10:17:12+02:00, 1565770632) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-12-09T12:35:51+01:00, 1575891351) title => protected'Link to the event (Dutch)' (25 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) uri => protected'https://fhi.nl/productieprocesautomatisering/ _blank' (52 chars) l10nParent => protected0 (integer) uid => protected106 (integer) _localizedUid => protected106 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected106 (integer)modified pid => protected453 (integer) 00000000112f6d0200000000792dca5a => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Linkprototypepersistent valueobject (uid=158, pid=453) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-12-09T12:35:51+01:00, 1575891351) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2019-12-09T12:35:51+01:00, 1575891351) title => protected'Free registration (Dutch)' (25 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) uri => protected'https://registration.n200.com/survey/1656h63s843yk?actioncode=PPA18997 _blan
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The PPA event offers an extensive seminar programme on current trends and developments in the process industry.

This seminar is for management, directors, engineers, buyers and operators in the industry.

During this event Dr. Vahid Krupic from SAM GUARD will give a lecture entitled “Business cases: How human enhanced Machine Learning improves Plant Performance”.

In the process industry all standard solutions rely on machine learning. However, what is the right method to use?  In this presentation, we will discuss the questions that need to be asked when choosing a machine learning solution for your plant. Should it rely on real-time, online, or historical data? Should it be a supervised or unsupervised process? What is the best way to involve the subject-matter experts’ knowledge? Sharing our experience in process plants, we will show how to choose a process industry fitted machine learning solution.

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Calendrier des événements:
2020-01-28 09:00 AM
2020-01-28 05:30 PM
Lieu de l’événement:

1931 Congrescentrum ‘s-Hertogenbosch

Oude Engelenseweg 1
5222 AA ’s-Hertogenbosch

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